Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween horrors!

I've never been one for horror films. I'm a bit of a wuss, to be honest. But earlier this year, my husband and I watched the gorgeous Mark Gatiss's History of Horror documentaries that he made for BBC4 and I suddenly realised there was more to it than a bit of fake blood and a scary soundtrack.

My zombie-obsessed husband suggested we start the Sunday-Night Scare - and watch a different horror film each week. I wasn't keen at first, but he's quite persuasive my old man, and so I agreed. I do have a tactic - I always check how long the film is, so I know how much we've got left. It's the only way I can sit through them!

But, man, oh, man, am I converted? Horror films are BRILLIANT! We've watched some classic, some sci-fi, slasher flicks, supernatural adventures and zombie romps. Only one has given me nightmares (weirdly, it was Drag Me to Hell, which is more funny than scary) and the only one I've had to stop watching half-way through was The Hills Have Eyes, which was horrible, gratuitous torture porn.

I've thought long and hard about my favourites and I just can't choose one. So, in honour of Halloween, here's my top-five horror flicks (so far - we've got LOADS still to watch).

Best story-telling

The Shining.
Stephen King is a genius and The Shining is all the proof you need. It's got everything - an isolated (creepy) hotel, a volatile anti-hero, a cute kid, a scary maze... Absolutely brilliant.

Most thoughtful

The Exorcist
Shocking and horrifying it may be, but The Exorcist is also beautifully shot. Its plot is well thought-out and the performances are amazing. It's just much bigger than your average horror movie.

Most poignant

Let the Right One In
A tragic Swedish film about Eli, a lonely little girl who just happens to be a vampire. The story of her friendship with bullied Oscar stayed with me for a long time.

Best slasher flick

It's a classic for a reason. Watching this was like watching the beginning of modern horror - the babysitter, the strange phone calls, the he's-dead-oh-shit-no-he's-not moment - it all started right here.

Most scary

Paranormal Activity
For a film where actually nothing happens this was abso-bloody-lutely terrifying. Who knew a bit of hair being blown by an invisible breath, or a swinging light fixture, could scare the bejeesus out of me?

My favourite film of all time is still Dirty Dancing, but (thanks to my husband) now I can see there's a place for zombies, too. And if they're dancing the merengue, then so much the better!

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